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Se estima que 3 mil millones de personas en todo el mundo carecen de la capacidad de lavarse las manos de manera segura en casa; el principal elemento esencial para la prevención de enfermedades. Casi 2 mil millones carecen de acceso a agua potable segura.

La pandemia mundial solo ha magnificado la urgencia de estos problemas fundamentales.


En marzo de 2020, nuestro pequeño grupo de amigos en las tierras altas de Guatemala se puso a buscar soluciones a los problemas de saneamiento y prevención de enfermedades entre nuestros vecinos.

Se inició Los Buenos Vecinos - Los Buenos Vecinos. 


La misión de Los Buenos Vecinos es simple; prácticas de agua limpia y saneamiento en los hogares. Nuestro enfoque es proporcionar estaciones de lavado de manos y sistemas de filtración de agua.


Implementamos sistemas de filtración de agua con bioarena fáciles de usar, así como estaciones simples de "tippy tap" para lavarse las manos. A la fecha se han logrado 650 tippy taps domiciliarios, 120 tippy taps escolares, 170 filtros bioarena domiciliarios, 3 filtros comunitarios bioarena y capacitaciones en lavado de manos a 500 personas. Todavía hay muchas más comunidades a las que servir; y tenemos la pasión y el compromiso de continuar.


Continúe buscando en nuestro sitio si desea asociarse, ser voluntario en el terreno, recaudar fondos para nuestra causa o donar a los esfuerzos continuos de Los Buenos Vecinos.


Los Buenos Vecinos-The Good Neighbors
Agents for Change in Guatemala

The most fundamental element of economic development worldwide is access to WATER and SANITATION

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To empower economic development through the fundamentals of Water and Sanitation- pure drinking water and sanitary hygiene -in homes, schools, communities.


We see people in remote locations inspired and empowered to be their own agents for change.

The Needs Are Great

  • More than 60% of the Guatemala population lacks access to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities.​

    • 74% 0f rural children are stunted physically, and the cognitively-the highest rate in the world

    • Children with chronic diarrhea drop out of
      school: the average education is 3 years.

  • Those who drop out become trapped in poverty and are prone to migrate.

    • More than 9,000 schools lack adequate sanitation facilities.

    • With a population 38% under 16 years the
      need to provide low cost solutions is high .

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Our Results are Dramatic

  • The Los Buenos Vecinos model costs less than $100 per family

  • The results of Los Buenos Vecinos's approach is up to 85% disease reduction.



Los Buenos Vecinos  Produces easy-to-use biosand water filtration systems as well as simple “tippy tap” handwashing fixtures. To date, 1200 home tippy taps, 120 school tippy taps, 16 Health Clinic tippy taps, 455 home biosand filters, 14 community biosand filters and training in hand washing for 2000 people have been achieved. There are still many more communities to serve; and Los Buenos Vecinos have the passion and commitment to continue.



The products: 

Explore our location in stunning detail with Google Earth

Explore our location in stunning detail with Google Earth! With just a click, you can zoom in on our address and get a bird's eye view of our neighborhood. See the streets, buildings, and landmarks that surround us and get a better understanding of our location. You can even use Google Earth's 3D feature to explore our location from every angle. Check it out and discover our place in the world!"


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