Los Encinos
120 families
1 BSF 25 at the school
The people here were relocating from two different regions; from two different native languages, during the civil war and following a volcanic event, then largely forgotten by municipal and district governments. Yet they have assimilated and become a cohesive community.

BSF 25 (@ Hierba Buena community)
Handwash training at Los Encinos
San Pedro
La Laguna
2600 Families
2- BSF 25 for 25 families
San Pedro is a community of 13.000 people, 2600 homes clinging to the slopes of the giant ancient volcano caldera which now forms Lake Atitlan. Here group “Jun Mokaaj Ixmucane”, The Mother Weavers, train 100 women as members of their co-op. The ladies’ plan is to re-invest profit to eventually provide water for the 100 families in their charge and in the neighborhoods. The Mother Wavers, in addressing disparate drop out rates between boys and girls, also produce re-usable feminine products for local school girls.

Nueava Concepcion, 95 Families, & Las Palmas 96 families
BSF 200 at the school with rainwater gutters to holding tank. Capacity to provide water to both villages. Project budget $5200

120 families
BSF 200
Lamientos is the home of Dona Maria del Carmen Tun Cho, a 50-year-old mother of 6, community activist and marathon runner, has organized a WASH CHAMPIONS group to own and operate its water system and teach WASH in the schools and community. She is running the Fire for Water Volcano climb on April 1, 2023, to raise funds for her community’s system